Take a Lunch Break

Sit tall, stand strong, work without pain & take a break with Juli Kagan!


“As an ergonomics specialist, here's my two cents on a product I absolutely love. BQE has different designs with different price points, however, the beauty of the chair, unlike ANY in the industry, is that there is a "dynamic" backrest that moves with your spine.  That means when the clinician is actively working, they are in a slightly forward pitched (tipped) position, and when the clinician is in a passive state, the back rest fully supports the lumbar region--the most vulnerable part of the spine.  It's truly revolutionary and exceeds the criteria of my critical body of knowledge regarding posture.”

Juli Kagan, RDH, M.Ed.
Author, Speaker, Educator



At this very moment, without moving an inch-how does your back feel? Tired, sore in a spot or is there pain around a larger area? Maybe your back feels strong, lengthened or you are sitting upright without any discomfort. If you are in the latter, you are among the minority. Back pain is ubiquitous and exceptionally common, especially among professionals who sit a large part of their day. 

The 33 bones that make up the spine are truly an engineering marvel as its design allows for jumping, running, twisting, and turning. Yet, the spinal column is the most precarious of all bones in the body. One wrong little turn and sharp pain can have us seeing stars. Chronic back pain appears commonplace; just ask any number of coworkers if their back is sore and the answer is most likely a resounding “yes!”


Back pain is the third leading cause of doctor visits by adults in the United States. (Dept. of Health and Human Services). And if you are younger than 45, back pain is the number one reason for missing work. (American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons). Pain can come from a weekend physical activity that you are not used to (think seasonal skiing or Spring golfing for the first time) or from a disc that has ruptured due to spinal compression over time. The bottom line is that about 70-85 percent of men and women will experience back pain in their lives. 


The most important key in relieving back pain: movement! Exercise is your ally when it comes to spinal health. Mind Your Body is dedicated to the seated professional. It contains joint stretches, Pilates Mat exercises and stretches you can do right at your desk. The book will quickly get you on your way to feeling fantastic or more importantly, keep you in that 15-30 percent of the population that rarely experiences challenging back pain…Mind Your Body: Pilates for the Seated Professional will help you Sit Tall; Stand Strong; and Work Without Pain.


Visit Juli in her EXERCISE ROOM for a heathy lunchtime break    


“Thank you so much for the chair. It is incredible! I just returned from CareerFusion and I told many people of your awesome product.  Thanks again and I love this chair! You have the best product on the market, hands down.”

Keverly Sugden, RDH, BASDH

Call us today:

BQ Ergonomics LLC

11888 West 91st Street

Overland park, KS 66214

Office: 877.938.9034

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